This is to explain the purpose of this blog.My intention is to provide a source of information on Polaris World Resorts in the Murcia region of Spain. I hope to add both images and video as the blog progresses.
I have found it difficult to source useful updates on Polaris World progress despite extensive searching so I hope some people will find their way here and find it useful.
I have bought a property on Islas de Terrazas de la Torre Resort and at the time of writing I do not expect to take possession until late 2009 or early 2010.
I am currently renting a townhouse on La Torre to get an impression on what the future holds.
Until I get possession of my apartment updates will in the main relate to any information I find on the web and I would certainly welcome contributions from other current and prospective Polaris residents.
As time passes I may seek to add information on any restaurants used or possible places of interest in the region.