For the photographs taken from inside the apartments, from above the resort and for the gardens at blocks 10-17 I am indebted to Howard A.K.A. "El Don -The Godfather" for sending his collection to me.

I am taking this oppportunity to invite everyone to send any photographs which might help in assembling a decent record of Terrazas taking shape. If you have anything which might be useful leave a comment and I will contact you. Thanks.
This is an early view of the apartments taking shape. The "U" shape facing onto the golf course is the area where El Don's photographs were taken.

The exterior photographs of the garden area look excellent to me and as the golf course develops the spread of greenery will enhance it.

The interiors have the same doors, kitchens and bathrooms as the properties currently on show at Condado de Alhama. I have several photos taken in both the Jardines show house as well as the Penthouse which I understand are exactly the same as the Terrazas Penthouses will be so I will be posting a piece on Condado.

The floors are the standard Polaris World type that you will have seen in any dwelling you might have rented, visited or owned!
I was not aware that any radiators were included and I see that they are electric powered.

Units in the kitchen are a pale wooden shade with the worktops in a pewter look against shiney white rectangular tiles.
Doesn't sound overly attractive but having seen it at Condado I can say it is not at all bad and I can see a run on the stainless steel look of electrical appliances by all you fashionistas.
My updates on the exterior views will be posted soon but I am posting some of the views from between the apartment blocks which will give some idea of what can be seen from the ground floor apartments.

Past the skip & tree the group of
palm trees are the roundabout
which will be at the town centre.

Further along there is a similar view,
strange that!
In the back ground the hill is the
one which we pass on the C3319
road to San Javier. No doubt
you will have seen that is being
quarried but hopefully it will
survive for a few decades yet.

Next, a view of the Country
House, soon to be a drinking
den near Las Islas and the
Town Centre.

This final view appears to show
a large mound very close to the
apartments. Doubtless there is
a reasonable space as photos
always foreshorten the view.
Thats about it for now but hopefully I can leave you with a smile. The following notice was on a homemade for sale sign at La Torre. Now I can assure you that I am not one to mock our hosts and wish my Spanish was half as good this persons English.
The "Better Half" & I are starting a Spanish course in 2 weeks time and congratulations to El Don for passing his GCSE - who's a clever boy then?!!
That said, I couldn't resist sharing this with you. The message may be a little lost in translation I suppose but I'm not sure I could cope with one of those strutting around my apartment as if she owned it and polishing off all the corn! I bet there is just no talking to it.