Hello everyone and many thanks to those who have forwarded photographs from their recent trips. Bob, Mark & Tim, you are stars thanks very much for more than100 photos between you.
I am going to start by posting you comments:
On 22nd Sept.Tim said: "
Most noticeable points - The place looks greener, with evidence of gardening, but did not see any watering taking place over the 4 days which was a major issue in August. Pool areas look very bare, I have written to Resortalia to get an update on this, could be the 'worm' treatment needs time to work before watering can happen, but to me looks like a lot of grass needs replacing?
Footings are taking shape for town centre, new cranes, building huts and
tractors in place around town centre area, other cranes moved towards the centre.
Phase 2 buildings appear to be being painted, assume this is some sort of plaster coating before 'real' paint applied. Many green fairways showing through around the course, no greens in place yet - stills lots of water being thrown at it...
Post boxes have been removed from the temporary bar area, no idea why?
Shop open 0900 - 1400 & 1500 - 1800 (shut SAT / SUN)"
On 7th October, Bob said
"Photos taken on 1st October on site. Greens looking good but I know nothing about golf. Lots of activity around town centre. Went to Polaris offices and they tell me my apartment in 286 will be ready in first half of 2010. Completion dates to be announced in January."
On 27th October, Mark said "Dave we have just got back from Terrazas and I would like to pass on some photos, I have read lots of stories and listened to many people worrying about the development, I can finally say I feel excited an have no concerns about what we will eventually end up with, the town centre is well on its way and the golf course should be open by May next year ( all 18 holes ).
So over the course of a month or so there are various bits of information and mainly positive opinion.
I have seperated the photos into "building" and "golf." It is also possible to see the development in places over the period so it is great to get these regular updates.
This distant view of the Phase 2 Penthouses shows that the process of plastering the brickwork to complete the outsides is well under way.
A closer look shows that windows have also been fitted, as have the shutters, also the wooden beams on the terracing are in place.
The phase 12 blocks show a similar picture with different blocks at differing stages.
All very encouraging and as Bob says completions are envisaged for the first part of next year, with completion dates to be advised in January.
Can't help bringing my cynical side into play here but that sounds far too organised for PW, judged on paste performance, but with my new improved positive self, there have been quite a few surprises from PW of late.
Chief amongst these is that they have finally recognised that a resort will not sell itself without facilities and I'm sure I am not alone in having expected that several phases would have been built before they considered the Town Centre.
Lets hope that Terrazas does indeed grow to completion around a Town Centre rather than the experience elsewhere of a ghost town resort waiting for facilities.
I have been trying to follow progress on the "Old Country House" from quite an attractive ruin through its renovation and ultimate use. There has been some doubt as to what its ultimate use would be with one source close to this blog having been told that it would eventually be a wine store!
On the plan it is intended to be a chill-out bar and have a swimming pool beside it, fronting out into the lake between the two islands and realsitically I have to say that it must surely fulfil that use in the long term.
For anyone who hasn't seen the building for themselves it is actually much larger than it may appear in photographs. This is how it has looked and developed from when I first saw it as quite an attractive old ruin.
July 2008
The picture below is from April 2009 - quite amazing the change in 6 months.
July 2009
Up to date - seems much too big a structure for storage - I reckon there will be some fun to be had in there eventually.
The Town Centre has been a real surprise to me. I remember my snorts of derision when I saw this sign:
They had a sign just like it at Hacienda Riquelme a couple of years ago so imagine the shock when I heard that it was actually being built.

This was what I saw in early August this year when I finally made it onto Terrazas and below are some pics of it developing subsequently.
Even here there is progress - some planting that wasn't there in August.
Quite extraordinary when compared to my photo from early August and the current information is that they expect the Town Centre to be open at the end of 2010.
Very close to my heart is the golf course development. I have said here and elsewhere that I wouldn't expect any golf to be played on it this year. If I am right it will be by the skin of my teeth. Honestly I am quite amazed at the progress that has been made and Nicklaus Design still have May 2010 as the expected opening date.
I am just going to post loads of pics and let most of them speak for themselves. I would say that some comments have been made about lack of bunkers but wait until you see some of these babies! No sand traps here - these are bunkers!!
Oh and in case you are wondering - the photos are from different people's cameras so I have posted them the best size for clarity.
What I like about this range of photos is the course taking shape with the undulations and general landscaping apparent, the lakes filled and a shot of the 2nd lake further down the course form Las Islas.
To finish on the golf course, some wide shots which give an idea of what it will look like. Imagine all the builders bits and pieces are gone and the place properly finished off.
Can you see it ? Looks fantastic.
Finally for those on Phase 1 who will perhaps recognise the kitchen layout here is a photo of some additional cupboard space which was installed by an English bloke. I don't have the details but it was apparently not too expensive and if anyone wants to follow it up I'm sure we can sort out contact details.
Thanks again to those who contributed the photos and for anyone who has any more or is going out soon, if you would email anything whether pics or comments to
I will post them.