It is also possible to pick out the 9 blocks under construction on Phase 2. If you study the photo carefully you and have a look at the plan of the resort you may pick out the spaces where pool areas are to be and it is good to know that it is being constructed as per the plan.
Much more fairway is on view here , and looking in reasonable shape, than I could determine from any point around the perimeter so the latest estimates for some golf (Beginning to Mid 2010) may work out. I am still convinced that there is a long way to go however as Tim says they appear to be getting the finger out and making progress.
For more recent pics there are some excellent shots on
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I have been looking at pictures of the Hacienda and there has been some change over the last month or so.
The roofs have gone as have several walls and some new block work appears to have been built as well.
As mentioned elsewhere there are rumours that the original plan for the clubhouse has been changed with the new location "closer to the clubhouse" - could this be it? With its location close to the lake it might well be an excellent place for it.
Going to La Torre on 1st August for 3 weeks so I will get an update then and with any luck I will finally gain access to the place!
we are going to stay at La Torre for two weeks in August from 11 to 25, hope to find out some news on phase 2, also if we can visit the site, let you know how we get on.