It was a scorching hot day and of course we chose midday as a good time to sneak past a sleepy security guard who was getting ready for siesta.
Security breached, it was time to see Terrazas from a penthouse so it was up to El Don & Tracey's pad in block 13. Picking the lock was easy despite the 24 bolts on the door and up with the shutters for a nice view all the way down to the Mar Menor and La Manga.
Nice pad guys & I particularly liked the awning - bit of class there Howard, did Matt sort it out for you? After a fruitless search for El Don's piles of cash we headed back from whence we had come. I stopped for a look out the rear of the block and was surprised to see that not only can you see the neighbours from La Torre but El Valle was also shimmering in the heat further back towards the mountains.
We went for a stroll heading past the swimming pool and down the cart path towards Phase 2.
A couple of surprises, firstly the golf course looks like it is going to be a joy to play but the surprise was what good condition some of the fairways were in. Not too many but Rome wasn't built in a day - a bit like Terrazas I suppose.
Heading down the path the second surprise was the progress that had been made in the few weeks since I was here last. There was considerable additional brickwork since I was there in early July & since the pics that Mark sent me which were posted at the end of July.
It is no exaggeration to say that 2 blocks have been completed externally. These guys are serious. I can also tell you that the traditional August closedown has not happened here this year.
There were guys building and convoys of trucks bringing materials 2 or 3 times whilst Mrs Bangor and I were strolling around.
Back to the golf course again. I noticed that the areas were the golf course is most advanced are in the "visible" areas near Phase 1 & the in progress Phase 2. It obviously makes sense to have it this way to have an attractive outlook for those already in residence but also from the sales point of view for anyone visiting the site.
My only thought was how easy will they find it to cobble together an accessible 9 holes when they eventually open part of the course. No doubt they have a plan but from what I could see they have a lot to do to get to that stage.
There appeared to be many more grassless fairways than grassed but again I couldn't help but be impressed with what I saw on the advanced holes both in terms of condition and the landscaping and layout.
I am here for another 12 days so will try to get another scoot around the outside and hopefully see even more progress.
Keep your chins up folks - it is certainly taking shape & looking good, albeit with a long way to go.
More soon and if anyone has anything to add in either comments or photos please leave a comment and I will contact you.
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