I am not sure when the aerial pictures were taken, when I look into the details of the pics it suggests that it was 26/4/2010 at around 5pm however this may simply be the date that they were downloaded by the person who sent them to me.
For clarity I should also point out that I believe them to be the property of FOTOTHIS.COM. who do allow their pics to be downloaded I don't believe I am doing them any disservice by reproducing them hear.(subsequently confirmed and I have been authorised to reproduce the pics)
FOTOTHIS apart from providing an excellent set of photo galleries are also providers of a snagging service and have done so for the last 4 years. If you require a snagging service you may contact Neil Cockings through the FOTOTHIS.COM website.
As usual I make the point that I do not advertise anyones services on this site. I have not used there service personally and mention it firstly to thank Neil for permission to use his photos and secondly for your information should it be useful to you.There are a few pics I would like to comment on:
I had not realised that there was such a substantial gap between the Old House & the Town Centre, clearly there is still a large area in front of the TC as you look at it above. In the original plan there were two buildings comprising the TC so there is still scope I suppose for it to develop further.
This was the original planned TC which looks a far cry from what is currently being built which at present is an U-shaped structure with the open end of the U pointing towards the lake & Las Islas.
Las Islas are currently "cleared" and the ground is staked but there remains doubt as to what will happen with some convinced it will be cancelled and others equally sure it will be built. You pays your money and takes your chance!
Another interesting thing is the proposed site of the Clubhouse. There was general comment that it was not to be built where planned but the aerial shots show that it may not happen soon but there is still a long term plan to build it.
The Clubhouse was to be at the left of the roundabout at the bottom of the aerial pic, the road to it goes no where else and as far as I can see it is laid out on each side with parking spaces. If they don't eventually build there it will simply be a road going no where with parking spaces that will never be used so based on that there is hope for a clubhouse well sited with views over the course from this raised area.
Thanks again to Neil for these great photos.
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