Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Just a quick update to show the impressive progress on the Town Centre. These were sent to the Godfather by the administrators so naturally they find there way here!

There has obviously been pretty constant work over the last week or so and the buildings are taking shape.

I recall from studying the model of Terrazas at PW's head office that the upper floor of the building closest to the Penthouses recently built was to be an Administration Building for PW. 

I wonder how close to this model the actual Town Centre will be! It doesn't appear to be taking this shape however time will tell and I suppose in the current circumstances any Town Centre will be welcome.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Great New Photos From All Over Terrazas by Tim

Not much can be said since the recent photos a few days ago so I will just let the pics speak for themselves.

Great job Tim, thanks very much.










If I've got it right, that was 56 photos. I really like the ones towards the end which give close ups of the Town Centre work with great views down to the Mar Menor and La Manga. Must have been great crisp January air.