Wednesday, May 19, 2010


The following link is to an article appearing in "SIMPLY NETWORKING" today:


The article is about a claim for return of deposits and contains legal opinion as to the relevance of whether or not guarantees are held amongst other matters.

I think it is worth a read.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Stress Buster?

In stressful times a laugh does no harm at all and as I was browsing some Spanish headlines, I came across these:

Murcia man confesses to killing his wife            Typically Spanish
Litter bug sees bank account embargoed         Typically Spanish

I was wondering what ungrateful Brit was bad mouthing our gracious hosts when all became clear, these are articles on the "Typically Spanish" website rather than a dismissive slander against Spanish men as murderous husbands or heaven forbid, snatchers of other people's money! Now no one could accuse them of that ......................ooops, forgot about Polaris World!!!

Oh well, suit yourselves, it gave me a giggle!


Monday, May 3, 2010


I hope you are having a good May day bank holiday! 

I have just received an email from Gerry McGuigan who was at Terrazas last week. Gerry says:

The TC was being rendered while we were there, so now looks like a "Terrazas" building.

4 suits were wandering the course on Friday, so hopefully this was PW handing over to OlaGolf.

The course still looks magnificent, with 9 ready to play, but PW have started building phase II, that cuts across these 9 holes. So heavens knows when we will see any of the course open.

Phase II: I noticed 10 blocks being built; some just at the foundations, others at the second floor level. All the cranes on the site were being used while I was there.

Gerry sent these pics:

One of the reasons I started this site was to record how Terrazas developed and I like to compare similar pictures at different stages. Look at these:

This was one Gerry sent last August and below is one just received showing the same view across the course to the penthouses.

Quite a change in 8 months, the course is looking fantastic and with those grasses filling you it just looks so much more mature. 

With 10 blocks at various stages of construction plus the phase 2/12 penthouses due to complete over the coming few months, the Town Centre well  under way and with Polaris seemingly having resolved their financial issues it will be interesting to see this same view in another 8 months time.

Thanks Gerry.